Sunday, August 1, 2010

I Love Summer!

Wow - summer is a busy time...but I've been busy having lots of fun! I just went to my first birthday party for my friend, Allison - she has a swingset that we played on for hours, and I even got to eat a bright orange cupcake! I also got to see my Mom-mom and Pappy, which is always fun because they give me lots of hugs and toy tractors to play with. But speaking of birthdays, Mommy and Daddy have also been busy getting ready for my birthday party, which is in a couple of weeks. I can't believe I'm almost two!

Anyway, here are a few photos that I took to show you!

Here I am enjoying one of my favorite summer treats: blueberries!

I think it's funny when the blueberries turn my lips purple :)

When the weather's nice, I still really like to go for walks outside...

and I like to point out airplanes flying by to Mommy and Daddy!

When the weather's no-so-nice, I still have fun indoors playing with my toys... and Mommy's mixing bowls!

And I like to express my "inner Picasso" via Mr. Ironman-Potato Head :)

When snacktime comes, I like to relax on the steps... and sometimes our cat, Puff, joins me for some Cheerios!

I also enjoy some Goldfish crackers from time to time :)

And of course, I've been hanging out with Mommy and Daddy a lot - they're pretty fun!

See what I mean?? :)

Well, I need to go clean up my toys and get ready to have my bath and go to bed. I wonder if I'll still have to clean up my toys when I'm two...? Anyway, good night! Until next time!