Monday, October 27, 2008

Home schooling...

Wow, have I learned a lot in the past couple of weeks! Daddy taught me how to make coffee, and Mommy taught me how to make spaghetti last week. Mommy and I are baking a pie together right now, so I don't have much time to post the details of my latest goings-on. I'll keep it brief :)

I had my first shower last week - I have decided, however, not to post the pictures that Mommy insisted on taking. She finally let me have some modesty! Daddy and Mommy took me to the doctor's office again on Friday - it seems like I'm going there an awful lot, but they insist it's normal. The doctor said that I'm 10 lbs 7 oz now, and 22 1/2 inches long - she said I'm in the 10th percentile, so I'm "petite," but that I'm growing just right! She also said my head measured in the 25th percentile, so Mommy and Daddy think I have a big brain already, hehehe :) I don't understand why I have to get shots every time I go, though - the latest round of shots made me really sleepy for a couple of days. As you can see, I was so sleepy that I even slept right through the errands that we ran the next day!

I also watched football this weekend, of course - I was happy that the Redskins won again, but Mommy's Steelers lost a hard-fought battle with a team called the Giants. I was pretty confused, because they didn't LOOK giant, but then again, I'm pretty small, so everything looks big to me!

Well, I'd better go help Mommy with the pie... I can't wait to help Mommy cook things that I can actually eat! See you again soon!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Searching for a costume

So I'm snoozing in my bassinet yesterday morning, minding my own business, and I hear Mommy and Daddy say that we're going out to look for a Halloween costume for me. No problem, I think to myself - this could be fun. Then they dress me in the little get-up you see in the picture below... say it with me... "This isn't my Halloween costume??" I thought I could go trick-or-treating as a bug collector!! My Mommy kept saying how cute I looked in plaid, though, so I guess I'm okay with that.

So we went shopping to a couple of places - the first store didn't have a great selection of costumes that were small enough for me, so I showed my disgust by spitting up all over my Baby Bjorn. The second store had a cool monkey costume, but whoever thought a "0-9 months" size designation made sense for those of us who are under 15 lbs. is crazy! We didn't spend much time there, either, since Daddy had to carry me around the store in the car seat, so we went back home. Luckily, Daddy got online and found a really cool costume for me, so trick-or-treating should be pretty fun! Too bad I don't have any teeth to eat Halloween candy with.... I'll be sure to post a picture of my costume in a couple of weeks!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Time flies!

Wow, time really does fly when you're so busy eating and napping! Haha! Seriously, I have had a very busy week or so since my last post. Mom and I have been running errands a lot lately - I think she wants to get me used to traveling and going different places. I've been pretty tolerant of all the coming and going, but it was a little much when she wanted to spend an hour at Target the other day - I mean, c'mon, I am a boy after all. We just don't like "girl shopping!" I think I heard her say that she is taking me shopping again tomorrow with her and Nana D... I hope she was kidding.

On a high note, the Redskins pulled out another win this week. I love watching the games with Daddy and Mommy - I even got to wear some official team gear this past Sunday! Go 'Skins!

Daddy and me - Redskins fans for life!

Mom and I hung out at home yesterday, which was a nice rest for me. I got to spend some time kicking those funny plastic animals in my bouncer - all the music and lights really crack me up! Mom's friend in Ohio, Ms. Trisha, sent me some really comfy clothes that I've enjoyed wearing this week - my favorites are the onesies that she tye-dyed herself! :)

Having a fun time in my bouncer, feeling groovy :)

Well, apparently I need to go get a bath - Mommy and Daddy keep saying I'm stinky. Until next time!