Monday, October 27, 2008

Home schooling...

Wow, have I learned a lot in the past couple of weeks! Daddy taught me how to make coffee, and Mommy taught me how to make spaghetti last week. Mommy and I are baking a pie together right now, so I don't have much time to post the details of my latest goings-on. I'll keep it brief :)

I had my first shower last week - I have decided, however, not to post the pictures that Mommy insisted on taking. She finally let me have some modesty! Daddy and Mommy took me to the doctor's office again on Friday - it seems like I'm going there an awful lot, but they insist it's normal. The doctor said that I'm 10 lbs 7 oz now, and 22 1/2 inches long - she said I'm in the 10th percentile, so I'm "petite," but that I'm growing just right! She also said my head measured in the 25th percentile, so Mommy and Daddy think I have a big brain already, hehehe :) I don't understand why I have to get shots every time I go, though - the latest round of shots made me really sleepy for a couple of days. As you can see, I was so sleepy that I even slept right through the errands that we ran the next day!

I also watched football this weekend, of course - I was happy that the Redskins won again, but Mommy's Steelers lost a hard-fought battle with a team called the Giants. I was pretty confused, because they didn't LOOK giant, but then again, I'm pretty small, so everything looks big to me!

Well, I'd better go help Mommy with the pie... I can't wait to help Mommy cook things that I can actually eat! See you again soon!

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