Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cabin Fever: More Snow, More Pictures!

I'm quickly learning that you run out of things to do during big blizzards, while you're cooped up inside! Mommy has been a little camera-happy, so I thought I'd post some more pictures of our Cabin Fever days!

This is the view from our front door, during Round Two of the "Blizzard of 2010."

This is the window on the side of our house, in our living room - you can see how high the snow drifted!

I tried to keep my spirits up while we were snowed in...

I kept myself occupied by talking on the phone and playing with the TV remotes...

I also played with my toys, including my favorite dump truck...

...But it's really hard to deal with Cabin Fever! Sometimes I need a time out :(

Well, wish me luck - I'm going to try to get out of taking my nap again :) Until next time!

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Blizzard of 2010 (a.k.a. Silliness, just silliness...)

It figures that it would literally take a blizzard to slow me down long enough to post a blog update! I've been very busy lately playing and learning all kinds of new things - I know all 32 of my flash cards (I'm still working on saying the words), and I really love putting my puzzles together. Plus, Mommy and Daddy got an old keyboard out, so I've been having fun playing that! I've also been practicing my dance moves - I love dancing to Toddler Tunes or the Wiggles (and sometimes Mommy and Daddy let me listen to some Black Eyed Peas... then I REALLY get my groove on!) Once I perfect my moves, I'll post a video for you!

Anyway, I thought I'd take a few minutes and post some new pictures for you, including some of the blizzard that came through a couple of days ago:

These are my cool Batman jammies - and our cat, Puff, in the background.

I like being silly when Mommy has the camera!

I'm learning all about shapes, colors, and how things move.

I've also been experimenting with different hairstyles...

I thought Daddy's numbers on the bathtub wall needed a little "something"...

Here I am, standing at the sliding door in our kitchen - you can see that the snow from the "Blizzard of 2010" drifted taller than me!

This is the front of our house after Mommy and Daddy shoveled our sidewalk 6 or 7 times.

It might be Spring before we can get to our shed!

This is the view from our front door - the fence is almost buried in snow!

The piles of snow are taller than most of the cars in the neighborhood!

Well, I'd better go - Mommy and Daddy don't get too many snow days to stay home with me, so all they want to do is play today! Until next time!