Monday, February 8, 2010

The Blizzard of 2010 (a.k.a. Silliness, just silliness...)

It figures that it would literally take a blizzard to slow me down long enough to post a blog update! I've been very busy lately playing and learning all kinds of new things - I know all 32 of my flash cards (I'm still working on saying the words), and I really love putting my puzzles together. Plus, Mommy and Daddy got an old keyboard out, so I've been having fun playing that! I've also been practicing my dance moves - I love dancing to Toddler Tunes or the Wiggles (and sometimes Mommy and Daddy let me listen to some Black Eyed Peas... then I REALLY get my groove on!) Once I perfect my moves, I'll post a video for you!

Anyway, I thought I'd take a few minutes and post some new pictures for you, including some of the blizzard that came through a couple of days ago:

These are my cool Batman jammies - and our cat, Puff, in the background.

I like being silly when Mommy has the camera!

I'm learning all about shapes, colors, and how things move.

I've also been experimenting with different hairstyles...

I thought Daddy's numbers on the bathtub wall needed a little "something"...

Here I am, standing at the sliding door in our kitchen - you can see that the snow from the "Blizzard of 2010" drifted taller than me!

This is the front of our house after Mommy and Daddy shoveled our sidewalk 6 or 7 times.

It might be Spring before we can get to our shed!

This is the view from our front door - the fence is almost buried in snow!

The piles of snow are taller than most of the cars in the neighborhood!

Well, I'd better go - Mommy and Daddy don't get too many snow days to stay home with me, so all they want to do is play today! Until next time!

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