Monday, September 29, 2008

Go 'Skins!!

I just wanted to show everyone how happy I am that the Redskins beat the dreaded Dallas Cowboys this weekend! I'm also excited to watch some of the Steelers game with Mom and Dad tonight (during the commercial breaks of "Heroes," of course!)

Go 'Skins and Steelers!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

What a week!

I was really busy this week, but I'm finally taking a few minutes from my weekend napping to update everyone.

I got to visit my Nana D and Pap for dinner last Saturday, which was my first trip out in the car, other than my doctor's appointments. For some reason, all that traveling worked up my appetite, and all I wanted to do at Nana D and Pap's house was eat! Of course, that took all my energy, and I had to take a nap with Nana D.

(Top): This is me and my Pap - he's making sure I get my dinner!
(Bottom): My Nana D is great at letting me get my beauty sleep :)

Mom and Dad gave me another bath this week - I think I'm starting to get used to the whole weird experience, but I'm still definitely more comfortable in my nice warm robe than sitting in a tub of water.

(Top): I really hope this picture doesn't come back to haunt me....
(Bottom): This is me, wondering why Mom and Dad insist on bringing
the camera for my bath time!

Then Mom took me to see Mom-Mom and Pappy, my great grand-parents, and their dog, Jewel. I wanted to eat as soon as we got there, and I got fussy with Mom for not understanding that napping in the car makes me really hungry, but Mom-Mom held me and calmed me down so I could eat in peace :)

Me and my Mom-Mom

Like I said, it was a really busy week, and I'm exhausted, so I'm going to get back to napping on Daddy's chest now. 'Til next time!

This is Daddy, teaching me the finer points of the Playstation 3...

Friday, September 19, 2008

My Not-So-Secret Identity

I have to say this has been a pretty decent week. The weather has been beautiful, and Mommy's taken full advantage of it by taking me and our crazy dog, Hurley, out for walks around the neighborhood almost every day. At first I was a little mad because the sun was awfully bright, but once I felt the soothing rumble of the sidewalk under the tires of my stroller, I fell right to sleep! I think Hurley had fun, too, sniffing the ground and barking at the other dogs in the neighborhood. One day, a butterfly flew around the stroller and decided to hitch a ride with us!

This is me just lounging in one of my favorite things - my bouncer!

I think I'm having what I hear my Mom and Dad say is something called a "growth spurt," which apparently means that I'm always hungry. I have been hungry a lot, and sometimes I eat so fast that I spit it all back up, which makes me cranky and even hungrier! Mom has to do a lot of laundry when that happens, because she has to change my clothes at least twice a day. That's okay, though, because I have a lot of cool outfits that my family and Mom and Dad's friends gave me before I was even born!

This is one of Mommy's favorite outfits, because she likes to call me
her "Stinky Boy."

Yesterday was a fun day, because I got to stroll around the neighborhood again and then Mommy played a rousing game of "I'm-gonna-eat-your-fingers" (she just pretends she's going to eat my fingers because I'm always flailing them about and punching her and Dad in the mouth). Then when Dad came home, we played our favorite game - "Bounce Ronin"! It's a lot of fun, but most of the time it wears me out and I fall asleep before the game is over :)

I'm Captain Adorable - Ronin's just my secret identity! Just kidding.
This is when I fell asleep last night after Daddy was bouncing me. Daddy
didn't even get a chance to put me down!

Today's shaping up to be pretty eventful - I'm already on my second outfit (which tells you the morning we've had so far), and later today my Nana K is coming over to visit me! I can't wait!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

My first bath!

After my dinner this evening, I got to try out my Rainforest bath! Mom and Dad filled it with nice warm water and some other stuff that bubbled and smelled good. I didn't like it too much, though, because even though the water was warm, I'm still too little to be completely under the water, so I was cold... and I HATE being cold!

See, I told you I don't like being cold!

Once I was clean, Mom and Dad wrapped me up in my favorite soft towel, and I was more comfortable.

Comfy and cozy in my towel

Mom and Dad also rubbed some lotion that smelled good on me, and dressed me in the new sleep sack that my Nana D gave me, and I was so warm and cozy that I fell right to sleep :)

Me and my Nana D

A Blog First!!!

Well my Mom and Dad started a blog site for me today. I would have done it myself but my fingers are too small to use the keyboard and I'm not too good with letters yet. With most of my time spent sleeping, eating, and trying to figure out what all this stuff I'm looking at is, I'm glad Mom and Dad were willing to help me out on this one.

Anyway, I was born one month ago today. It's been a pretty exciting month. So exciting that I am often overwhelmed and have to simply take a nap. When I am awake though, I am finding my voice (not to mention the volume knob on it) and practicing for my future as a burping contest champion. Which reminds me, I absolutely love eating; this liquid diet thing really makes things easy on those of us that are dentally challenged. I think I might even be faster at eating than the crazy dog that runs around my house.

This is me a couple days after I was born in the nursery at the hospital.

Sleeping of course.

As far as my health goes, I have been to see the docto's a couple of times and they tell my Mom and Dad that everything is looking just fine. My umbilical cord finally came off a little over a week ago and now I have a cute little belly button (or so Mom and Dad keep saying). I am gaining weight quickly and already had my first "growth spurt". Don't ask me what a "spurt" is though. I am only a month old after all.

Mom and Dad keep taking all kinds of pictures of me. I think they said they were going to put some on this blog for me, so you all can see just how cute I really am. Keep checking back too because we have big plans for this blog. More news and pictures, and maybe even a new look for the page as a whole.

This is the mural that Mom and Dad painted for me in my nursery.
Let me tell you, I find myself getting lost looking at the walls.

This is the most recent picture of me.
I am guessing it was taken during yet another of my many naps.

Well, trying to dictate this without knowing how to speak yet has really taken it's toll. I think I need another nap. While it's off to la-la land for me, I hope you have enjoyed reading my first blog post and seeing my cute mug in the pictures. Til next time...