Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Blog First!!!

Well my Mom and Dad started a blog site for me today. I would have done it myself but my fingers are too small to use the keyboard and I'm not too good with letters yet. With most of my time spent sleeping, eating, and trying to figure out what all this stuff I'm looking at is, I'm glad Mom and Dad were willing to help me out on this one.

Anyway, I was born one month ago today. It's been a pretty exciting month. So exciting that I am often overwhelmed and have to simply take a nap. When I am awake though, I am finding my voice (not to mention the volume knob on it) and practicing for my future as a burping contest champion. Which reminds me, I absolutely love eating; this liquid diet thing really makes things easy on those of us that are dentally challenged. I think I might even be faster at eating than the crazy dog that runs around my house.

This is me a couple days after I was born in the nursery at the hospital.

Sleeping of course.

As far as my health goes, I have been to see the docto's a couple of times and they tell my Mom and Dad that everything is looking just fine. My umbilical cord finally came off a little over a week ago and now I have a cute little belly button (or so Mom and Dad keep saying). I am gaining weight quickly and already had my first "growth spurt". Don't ask me what a "spurt" is though. I am only a month old after all.

Mom and Dad keep taking all kinds of pictures of me. I think they said they were going to put some on this blog for me, so you all can see just how cute I really am. Keep checking back too because we have big plans for this blog. More news and pictures, and maybe even a new look for the page as a whole.

This is the mural that Mom and Dad painted for me in my nursery.
Let me tell you, I find myself getting lost looking at the walls.

This is the most recent picture of me.
I am guessing it was taken during yet another of my many naps.

Well, trying to dictate this without knowing how to speak yet has really taken it's toll. I think I need another nap. While it's off to la-la land for me, I hope you have enjoyed reading my first blog post and seeing my cute mug in the pictures. Til next time...

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Well, Ronin, I'm so happy that you have your own blog! My mom won't let me cruise the internet yet (she's so old-school). She does let me see your pictures though. You're a hunk! ;) I can't wait to meet you in person.

Hugs (and drool),