Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

I'm taking a quick break from playing to post some pictures of the snow that fell over the weekend! It was the first time I've seen real snow, and boy, did we get a lot of it! When I went out to play in it, I wasn't sure what to think - it was cold, white, and flying everywhere in the wind, drifting so high that it was above my head in some parts of our yard. I thought the coolest part was the big black snow boots that Mommy and Daddy got me to wear - I clomped up and down the sidewalk for a long time (at least until my nose was running too much and Mommy said it was time to go back inside!)

This is Daddy when he was shoveling the path in front of our house - it was already pretty
deep, and it hadn't even finished snowing yet!

Here I am, out playing in the snow the next day. See how deep it got?! More importantly,
do you like my cool black snow boots?

I played in the snow a little bit, but it was really cold! I also couldn't do much in the huge
blue mittens I was wearing... like my hands are that big!

I'm still not sure about the snow - it seemed kinda fun, and Mommy and Daddy started
talking about a "snowman," which sounded pretty cool, but I never saw him. Maybe next
time it snows I'll find out more about that...

After a while, I'd had enough - it was time to go inside for some hot chocolate!

Speaking of hot chocolate, I'd better go make sure we have enough to make for Santa when he comes to visit in a couple of days. I can't wait until Christmas!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Holiday Excitement!

So according to Mommy and Daddy, Christmas is less than 2 weeks away! I thought I'd share some pictures of us getting ready for Santa to visit.

This is our tree - Mommy and Daddy won't let me touch anything, but it's really pretty to look at!

I like the Elmo ornament the best!

It's really cool when we turn off all the lights and the tree glows...

Mommy found some Christmas-y Elmo jammies for me - they're a little bit big still, but I don't care!

Mommy thinks I'm cute...

I had to have a serious talk with Puff about not chewing on the Christmas tree... I think he got the message!

It snowed a little bit last week, so I've been spending a lot of time at the front door waiting for
it to snow again...

...then I got bored waiting for the snow and decided to carry my sippy cup around with my teeth :)

It's really exhausting getting ready for Christmas!

Until next time, stay warm and safe, and remember to bake your cookies to put out for Santa!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Growing up Ronin

First let me say that I hope everyone had a very Happy Thanksgiving! Mommy and Daddy and I stayed home and in our jammies, and Mommy made a big dinner with turkey and lots of potatoes and veggies - my favorite were the butter croissants. I had three of them by myself! I was very tired after the excitement of the holiday - I didn't waste any time letting Mommy and Daddy know I was ready for bed!

I was SO ready to go upstairs for bathtime and bedtime!

I've been trying to learn as much as I can lately about what big boys do, like wearing shoes and feeding myself with forks and spoons. Some experiments have worked out better than others, but I've had lots of fun!

Daddy helped me tie his sneakers when I wanted to try them on.

It was much harder to walk around in Daddy's shoes than it is in mine! I still had fun, though!

One night, Mommy and Daddy let me eat my Jello with my spoon all by myself! It got a little messy, but it was yummy!

Sometimes it's just easier to go for the Cheerios!

My Daddy and I have been having a lot of fun together, now that I'm walking and running better! I like to play around on the floor and wrestle, and sometimes Daddy will surprise me and tickle me!

Daddy got me good with the tickling one day... but I'll get him back one day :)

Until next time, enjoy the turkey leftovers and remember: it's okay if you make a mess, because it can always be cleaned up :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tricks, Treats & Pumpkins

Well, it's been a little while since I last posted...and it's getting kinda late now, so this might seem a little short. But don't worry, there will be plenty of pictures. So where to start?

So I have this blanket... it's a polka dot blanket with a knot in one corner and let me tell you, I don't know what I would do without it. I carry it with me wherever I can get away with it. Mommy and Daddy even go so far as to try a replacement blanket when they need to wash this one, but they aren't foolin anyone.

What do you mean you have to wash it?
And you think another blanket is going to do?

Earlier in the month (of October) Mommy and Daddy took me to Catoctin Mountain Orchard to play in the pumpkins. It was soooo much fun. I was still getting used to my new shoes and walking in the bumpy grass though. I'm much better at all of it now.

Oh yeah!!! I am learning to eat with what Mommy and Daddy call "silverware," but mine are plastic so I don't get it. It's fun though, and I get to make a lot of noise so everyone's happy!! I'm still learning about patience, so the spoon doesn't always do the job.

I also got to dress up and "trick or treat" for Halloween this year. I was too young, says Mommy and Daddy, and it was too yucky out last year. This year I had to be a Lion and stay out after bedtime!! My Green Lantern costume Mommy and Daddy got me last year was too small this year. But guess what? So was the mane to my Lion costume. I really didn't like having that on, so Mommy and Daddy took it off right away. To be honest I wasn't completely thilled with the rest of the costume either, but I guess a kid has to do what a kid has to do to get candy. But now Mommy and Daddy are saying I can't even have any!! Really? What's that about?

As you can probably tell from the pictures it's been a full month. Halloween, "silver"ware, pumpkins, blankets, not to mention walking around with a bowl on my head, and giving Giraffe some cuddles. You probably also noticed my binky in a few of those photos. Mommy and Daddy were trying to keep me from using it, but then 5 teeth started to pop through my gums and it doesn't feel too good. So I get to use my binky for while longer.

It's way past my bedtime now, so I better go before I get caught using the computer after bedtime. I will try real hard to get more pictures and more posts up soon. Bye.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Athlete or Artist?

Mommy and Daddy wonder sometimes if I'll be an athlete or an artist, but I say, "Why choose?!" I really love playing and running, and I'm glad it's football season, as you can see by my choice of outfits every now and then!

They may not be off to a great start, but I still say, "Go 'Skins!... And

But I also recently learned how to draw with crayons in the bathtub, and I think being an artist is really fun! This is my very first drawing:

I used red and orange washable crayons to create my first masterpiece
on the bathtub wall. I think I'll just call this, "Number One."

Drawing is really fun! I can't wait to try it with real crayons and paper!

Oh yeah, and check out the cool giraffe my mommy's Aunt Doris and Uncle Wayne gave me - it's so soft, and I like to snuggle up with it.

Sorry the post is so short this time - I've got lots of places to go and things to do! Until next time!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Last Days of Summer

Hi, there! It's been a few weeks since my last post - my birthday, I believe. I've been very busy practicing my walking, so I haven't had much time to do anything else! I'm getting really fast, too!

I had my one-year doctor's appointment after my birthday, and I'm still in the 10th percentile for weight (20 lbs, 6 oz), so that means I'm growing at the rate I'm supposed to. I've been trying lots of new foods lately, and have really liked plums, kiwi, rice, and cheesy scrambled eggs! I also got some vaccinations at the doctor's office, and a week or so later I had a reaction to my varicella (chicken pox) vaccine... I got a rash all over my body, and I had a little fever for a few hours. It was really irritating, and I was cranky for a few days, but it eventually got better. Now I'm just fine!

This was taken only two weeks ago, and now I don't even need to hold Mommy's or
Daddy's hands to walk around!

Today, Mommy and Daddy and I went with Uncle Tarl and Aunt Rosemary and cousin TJ to Sugarloaf Mountain, and hiked up a big trail to the top of the mountain! It was really cool to walk through all those big tall trees, and to see so far once we got to the top. My Daddy carried me the whole way - he's really strong and has great balance! Mommy got some pictures of us on the mountain.

It was a lot of fun hiking to the top of the mountain!

Well, I'd better get to bed - I'm exhausted after all that hiking today! Sweet dreams!