Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tricks, Treats & Pumpkins

Well, it's been a little while since I last posted...and it's getting kinda late now, so this might seem a little short. But don't worry, there will be plenty of pictures. So where to start?

So I have this blanket... it's a polka dot blanket with a knot in one corner and let me tell you, I don't know what I would do without it. I carry it with me wherever I can get away with it. Mommy and Daddy even go so far as to try a replacement blanket when they need to wash this one, but they aren't foolin anyone.

What do you mean you have to wash it?
And you think another blanket is going to do?

Earlier in the month (of October) Mommy and Daddy took me to Catoctin Mountain Orchard to play in the pumpkins. It was soooo much fun. I was still getting used to my new shoes and walking in the bumpy grass though. I'm much better at all of it now.

Oh yeah!!! I am learning to eat with what Mommy and Daddy call "silverware," but mine are plastic so I don't get it. It's fun though, and I get to make a lot of noise so everyone's happy!! I'm still learning about patience, so the spoon doesn't always do the job.

I also got to dress up and "trick or treat" for Halloween this year. I was too young, says Mommy and Daddy, and it was too yucky out last year. This year I had to be a Lion and stay out after bedtime!! My Green Lantern costume Mommy and Daddy got me last year was too small this year. But guess what? So was the mane to my Lion costume. I really didn't like having that on, so Mommy and Daddy took it off right away. To be honest I wasn't completely thilled with the rest of the costume either, but I guess a kid has to do what a kid has to do to get candy. But now Mommy and Daddy are saying I can't even have any!! Really? What's that about?

As you can probably tell from the pictures it's been a full month. Halloween, "silver"ware, pumpkins, blankets, not to mention walking around with a bowl on my head, and giving Giraffe some cuddles. You probably also noticed my binky in a few of those photos. Mommy and Daddy were trying to keep me from using it, but then 5 teeth started to pop through my gums and it doesn't feel too good. So I get to use my binky for while longer.

It's way past my bedtime now, so I better go before I get caught using the computer after bedtime. I will try real hard to get more pictures and more posts up soon. Bye.

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