Sunday, May 1, 2011

Yay, Springtime!

I love Spring! I get to play outside again, which is one of my favorite things to do, and this year I learned about the Easter Bunny - he comes to your house and hides eggs, and leaves candy and other cool stuff in a basket. I thought I'd post some pictures of all the fun!

We took a walk in the park, or the "countryside," as I like to call it. It was a beautiful day!

I like pointing out birds and airplanes for Mommy and Daddy.
We found a big playground that had lots of slides - I love slides!
I went down big slides...

...and small slides...
...and I made Mommy nervous climbing UP the slides, too! :)

It has been raining a lot, too, so we've had to be inside a LOT. But it's okay, because I have fun with Daddy and Mommy reading books and playing with my Thomas engines.

This is me and Daddy - just us guys, hanging out :)

I love my Daddy!

It was really fun when the Easter Bunny came - he put eggs full of jelly beans all over the house, and I had to go find them. It was a really fun game, and he even left a basket of candy and books for me - and more coaches for Thomas to pull on the track!
It took a while for me to find all the eggs the Easter Bunny hid - he put them everywhere, including in my toy box, on my train set, and even in my shoes!
By the time I found them all, I had a whole bucket full of jelly bean eggs!

The Easter Bunny left me Annie and Clarabel, who are Thomas' coaches.

I was really happy about Annie and Clarabel - I'd had my eye on them for months!

The Easter Bunny also left some books about Thomas and his adventures - this is me showing Mommy all the cool pictures in the stories.

All in all, it was a great Easter, and it's a fun Spring so far! This summer is sure to be busy, since we're going to see the real Thomas in June, and pretty soon the pool will be open across the street. I'll make sure to take lots of pictures of my adventures this summer and post them here for you. Until then, go outside and enjoy some sunshine - I know I will be!