Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My First Shiner!

Yep, that's right - I had my first black eye this week, and I'm not even one year old yet! I was trying to pull myself up on a banister, and my hand slipped - before anyone could catch me, bam! My face hit, right on my nose! It didn't hurt that much, and I didn't even cry, but my eye and nose got pretty purple a couple days later. Mommy and Daddy tried to get pictures, but the camera couldn't really capture it. Here's a few pictures, anyway!

It's sorta hard to see, but that shadow on my nose and under my eye is
actually my first black eye!

I was pretty proud that I got a "shiner!" Mommy and Daddy said that I'm
so adventurous and active, it probably won't be my last!

I don't actually drink Dr. Pepper, but I love stealing Daddy's and playing
with the bottle :)

I've also been learning how to move around a little better, and I even figured out how to climb the stairs! It makes Mommy really nervous, so she or Daddy usually follows me pretty closely.

Here I am, climbing up our stairs from the living room - I can climb up
all four flights of stairs to my bedroom! That is, if I don't stop on the
second floor to play Daddy's drums :)

This is just me and Daddy goofing around - I have so much fun when he
squishes me with pillows!

I gotta go take my after-dinner walk around the neighborhood now, then it's bathtime! Sweet dreams!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Rub-a-Dub Dub!

Guess what, readers - I got to take a bath in a big boy tub for the first time last night! Mommy and Daddy set me up with this really cool bathroom, and I even have an Elmo on the tub faucet! I really liked it - so much so that Mommy and Daddy felt compelled to take pictures... so enjoy!

Sometimes I don't understand why Mommy and Daddy feel the need to
commemorate certain things on film....

I felt like a grown-up in the big tub!

The bumper in my tub has all kinds of letters and shapes on it - it figures
that Mommy and Daddy have to get an educational accessory for something
as fun as bath time!

One of my favorite parts of bath time is the bubbles!

Until next time... happy bathing!