Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Time flies!

Wow, time really does fly when you're so busy eating and napping! Haha! Seriously, I have had a very busy week or so since my last post. Mom and I have been running errands a lot lately - I think she wants to get me used to traveling and going different places. I've been pretty tolerant of all the coming and going, but it was a little much when she wanted to spend an hour at Target the other day - I mean, c'mon, I am a boy after all. We just don't like "girl shopping!" I think I heard her say that she is taking me shopping again tomorrow with her and Nana D... I hope she was kidding.

On a high note, the Redskins pulled out another win this week. I love watching the games with Daddy and Mommy - I even got to wear some official team gear this past Sunday! Go 'Skins!

Daddy and me - Redskins fans for life!

Mom and I hung out at home yesterday, which was a nice rest for me. I got to spend some time kicking those funny plastic animals in my bouncer - all the music and lights really crack me up! Mom's friend in Ohio, Ms. Trisha, sent me some really comfy clothes that I've enjoyed wearing this week - my favorites are the onesies that she tye-dyed herself! :)

Having a fun time in my bouncer, feeling groovy :)

Well, apparently I need to go get a bath - Mommy and Daddy keep saying I'm stinky. Until next time!


NanaK said...

My question is...When are you going to enter these pics in a baby contest??? My Little Ronin would win hands down!!!

The picture of Daddy and son in their Redskins attire could be on the Redskins web page!!!Just a suggestion.

Love you to pieces Ronin!

NanaK said...

I have a question..When are you going to enter these pictures in a baby contest? My Little Ronin wuld win hands down!!!

The picture of Daddy and son in their Redskin Attire should be sent to the Redskins. It is just too adorable. They both look like the cat that ate the canary!
