Saturday, November 8, 2008

A momentous week...

I'm not quite sure about waking up so early these days... but at least I get to sleep in the car!

This week was pretty exciting, for me and for Mommy and Daddy. Mommy had to go back to work this week, so I got to spend my days with my Aunt Michelle. We had lots of fun playing, and we even took a walk yesterday since it was so nice outside. I love spending time on her porch swing! Mommy said she missed me a lot, but that it's nice to know I'm being taken care of so well :)

When I woke up Mommy at 2:00 a.m. Wednesday morning for my middle-of-the-night snack, she wasn't watching the usual relaxing music channel - she turned on another channel to watch somebody named Barack Obama talk for a few minutes. She was so happy and smiling listening to him, and told me that I had been born at a very important time in history, because our country had just elected its first African American President. I heard Mommy and Daddy talking about how hopeful they are for my future, which made me really happy. They tell me all the time that I can do anything I want to do, and be anything I want to be... hmmm... maybe I'll run for President someday!

On a different note, Daddy's been coughing and sneezing all week, and now Mommy is, too. They don't seem to like it very much, so I hope they feel better soon (and that I don't start coughing or sneezing)! But I am pretty tired (I still haven't quite adjusted to my new wake-up time of 5:30 in the morning), so I'm going to go take a nap now. Until next time!


Trisha said...

Wow! Ronin, you look like such a big boy now! You are developing quite a handsome face!

Aunt Trisha :)

Ms. Bunnie said...

Yes, Ronin, you can become anything you want to--even President of the United States. You have the best parents in the whole wide world, and they love you so very much. With their loving, caring for, and nurturing you, Ronin, you will have all that it takes to become a kind, responsible, and successful young man someday.

Ms. Bunnie (aka Ms. DuVall)