Saturday, August 15, 2009

My Birthday - Part Two

After two whole days of celebrating, I can finally wind down and post the rest of the pictures and stories from my first birthday!

Yesterday, my Mommy made me a cupcake to eat after lunch, and she and Daddy even put a big "#1" candle on it for me. I was a little tired, so I just had some of the icing and then took a nap. When I got up, I played for a little while with all the books and squishy sports balls they got me for my birthday, then I had my dinner. We went for our normal after-dinner walk, and I had my bath and went to bed.

I was so tired from all the fun yesterday that I slept in until 7:00 a.m., but when I woke up and Mommy brought me downstairs, I saw that Daddy had put up even more streamers and balloons for my birthday party! We had breakfast and I played for a little while, then I took a nap. When I got up from my morning nap, my Nana D, Pap, Mom-Mom and Pappy were all waiting for me downstairs! Then lots more family came over, including my Nana K and my other Pappy, my Uncle Tarl, Aunt Rosemary, and cousin TJ, my Uncle Scott, Aunt Pam, and cousin Megan, and my Aunt Beth, Uncle Jay, and cousin Ava! Everyone had a yummy lunch, then I opened some presents... well, Mommy and Daddy opened most of my presents since I wanted to practice walking and visiting with everyone.

Then I got to have my very own little cake with a picture of Elmo on it! I was pretty tired by then, but I had some icing (that's really the only part I like) and then I took my afternoon nap. By the time I woke up, my Nana K was the only person left downstairs, so I got to say goodbye before she went home. I had a lot of fun at the party, and I played with the toys I got after my nap. I also got a lot of really cool clothes for when the weather gets cooler - it almost makes me look forward to the cold weather!

All-in-all, I think I really like this birthday stuff. I got to spend time with my family, I got to play a lot, and I got to have icing two days in a row - if that's what birthdays are, I'm really glad I get to have one every year! Anyway, here are some pictures from the past two days - thank you to everybody who made my first birthday so special!!! I love you all!!!!

I was being a ham at lunch and having fun while Mommy took some pictures - my birthday puts me in a good mood!

These were the cupcakes that Mommy made for me - I ate the icing off the one with the candle on it! Daddy took a video of it, but I was tired and cranky so I prefer not to post that piece of footage, if you don't mind.... :)

I got a few really cool books from Daddy and Mommy, including one that has a picture of a big purple cat in it! Crazy!

Mommy and Daddy got me a really funny Elmo "jack-in-the-box" that talks!

I had some fun with my own cake today at the party - the icing was really good!

This is me and Mommy - she's helping me open a big present from my Aunt Michelle and Nana K. It was a big red "Cozy Coupe" for me to drive (as soon as Daddy puts it together!)

This is me and Daddy looking at an awesome card from my Uncle Scott that plays music from an ancient video game they were talking about called "Pacman."

When we went on our usual after-dinner walk tonight, Daddy took some cool pictures that I wanted to post for everyone. As you can see, I was a happy boy after all the celebrating for the last couple of days. Being 1 year old feels pretty good so far... :)

Until next time... here's to another awesome year!!

1 comment:

Trisha said...

those are some great pictures!

Happy Birthday!