Friday, January 28, 2011

Lazy Weekends and Playtime

I realized I hadn't posted any stories since right after Christmas, and Mommy and Daddy snuck a few photos the other day, so I figured I'd better post again!

We just had our first REAL snowstorm of the winter, and the snow (or "'now," as I call it) is everywhere! It's been really cold lately, so I haven't been able to go to the playground, or slide down the slide at school. Once in a while, we get bundled up and go outside in the Moon Bounce, but we can't do that when it snows. I really like being outside, but not in the winter!

It's okay, though, because my teacher always has fun art projects and stories and games for us to play inside. I really like to paint, and playing with Playdoh is pretty cool (but honestly, nothing beats snack time!).

I also really like to learn about colors and shapes. My teacher quizzed us on our letters, numbers, colors, shapes, and our names last week, and I was the only kid in class who could spell the letters in my name! I like practicing what I learn so I say my letters and numbers all the time - sometimes I count all the way home from school in the car! That is, if I'm not serenading Mommy from the back seat - my favorite songs are, "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," "These are the Months of the Year," and of course, "Thomas and his Friends!"

On the weekends, when it's windy and cold and we don't have to go anywhere, Mommy and Daddy let me stay in my jammies all day and we play with my Thomas engines! If I help Mommy and Daddy by eating my breakfast and doing something called "cooperating" during my diaper changes, they let me watch a Thomas DVD while we play :)

Sometimes I take Percy and his mail cars on the windowsill so they can puff around up there while I watch my Thomas stories.

The stories about Thomas and his friends are really interesting! My favorite DVD lately has been, "Thomas' Merry Winter Wishes," because there's a lot of snow in it :)

Mommy gave me a haircut right after this was taken... but don't worry, it's not too short! :)

You can tell by my "moustache" that I'm a big fan of orange juice :)

That's Toby that I'm holding - he's the only steam tram engine!

That look on my face in the last picture is because I'm about to drop Toby and tackle Daddy, which is another one of my favorite things to do when we're playing inside. I can run all the way across the room and knock Daddy over! I tackle Daddy so much, he even went to the store and got me a Troy Polamalu jersey - he's Mommy's favorite defensive player for the Pittsburgh Steelers (psst... they're gonna play in the Super Bowl!)

Well, I really should get to bed - I have a play date tomorrow with my friends, Peyton and Trent! Night night!

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