Monday, June 29, 2009

On the Road Again... for the First Time!

Hi, All! I've been very busy lately, and had an especially exciting weekend! It was my first road trip, which I think means that you get in the car and drive for a looooong time, and I got to meet my friend, Zoey! I had seen pictures of her, and her parents, Ms. Trisha and Mr. John, but I finally got to spend some time with them at their house in Ohio and play for the weekend. I had a lot of fun, especially playtime with Zoey and chasing their two cats around the house :)

I was hoping to put more pictures up, but it turns out that Mommy and Daddy actually took more video than pictures, and they still haven't gotten the right stuff to post the videos online yet. But, as soon as they are able to do it, I'll put some footage of the weekend up here. Until then, here are a couple of pictures....

Isn't Zoey pretty? She tried to teach me to say some words, like "Vroom!"
and "Moo!" I'm still practicing... :)

Zoey and I were also practicing sticking our tongues out - Daddy got
her on camera while I read one of her books.

I liked reading some of Zoey's books together - she even had a copy of
"The Very Hungry Caterpillar" that Ms. Trisha read to us!

I got to take some of my toys along on the trip, including one of my
favorites - my toy dumptruck driver!

Zoey also has a "crazy face" she does when she's really happy (and on
command, which is really funny!) She's so much fun to hang out with -
I hope I get to visit her again soon!

I also had a recent visit from my great-grandparents, Mom-Mom and Pappy! I like spending time with them, and they loved watching my new trick - walking while I hold on to a grown-up's fingers :)

I always have fun when Mom-Mom and Pappy come to visit!

Well, I should go practice walking some more - I'd like to be able to walk on my own by the time my birthday rolls around in August... until next time!

1 comment:

Trisha said...

WOW!! Those are GREAT pictures!! We LOVED having you here (all of you)! See you soon.