Thursday, April 15, 2010

Laughing My Way Through April!

Hi, everyone! I don't really have much to talk about this time - we've been pretty busy lately, and I've even gotten to stay out past my bedtime a couple of times! But I figured that I'd put up a few photos of us clowning around, since Mommy and Daddy say that today can be stressful for some people because of these things called "taxes." I'm not sure what they are, but I hope I can make everybody smile so they aren't stressed about "taxes!" Enjoy!

This isn't really a funny picture, but I like it, so I thought I'd post it first :)

This is me, just being my happy-go-lucky self!

Sometimes I like to make silly faces to make Mommy and Daddy laugh!

Peek-a-boo has been one of my favorite games since I was a baby - this is my favorite "special blanket!"

I have a big red ball, and I like to roll and bounce it back and forth with Daddy :)

I have a lot of fun playing "Bounce the Ball" with Daddy and Mommy!

Daddy cracks me up sometimes!

Before I play, I have to make sure my highchair belt is clipped, and then I can relax and have fun!

Sometimes I like to unwind with a binky and a good book...

And sometimes I play so hard that I can't make it to my crib before I crash into a nap!

Until next time, here's to good laughs and good naps!

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