Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Day at the Zoo!

So it turns out that Mommy and Daddy weren't kidding when they said they were taking me to the zoo! We all got up Saturday and went for a ride in the Jeep. At first I thought we were just in a store and I was getting a new stuffed animal, but then Mommy and Daddy took it away from me and we went through some other doors. I got soooo excited when I realized that we were at the zoo. First we went through the house of snakes. After that I got down and started running around cause there were so many things to see! But then I fell and scraped my face and forehead, but Mommy and Daddy were right there to get me and clean me off. I got my binky and everything suddenly got better. We spent the rest of the morning walking, and I was carried a lot too, all around the zoo looking at the animals.

This is just a shot of my cheek after the fall. You can't see much
because Mommy and Daddy are really good at wiping my face off.
I think it's all the practice they seem to want all the time. I just
keep having to put the mess back though.

This is Daddy telling me all about the animals there.
There were so many different kinds...

Like this guy, the Lemer. He looks a lot like Zaboo on Sprout!

There were also these cool signs with pictures and stories
about the animals. Kinda like the books I have at home that
Nana D gets for me. They are so fun to read.

I even got Mommy into the stories!!!

But then I saw somewhere I wanted to go...

What do you mean "Staff Only"? What's a Staff?
And why is only it allowed in there?

Fine! If I can't go where I'm not allowed to,
then I'll go play in the mud. I'm gonna be a
little boy no matter what!

Mommy carried me for a bit and told me about more of
the animals we were seeing. Some of them were familiar...

...like the tigers. Here's one that was walking back and
forth the whole time like he was waiting for something.

Also the Lion. We only saw this one, and all she did was lay there...

On the way to the next section of the zoo Daddy let me pet
the big Lion statue. I guess that's the same as the real thing... nah.
But Daddy and Mommy say they want me to keep my arm.
Whatever that means.

There were all new animals there too. Like this Llama.
I think he was hungry 'cause he kept sniffing at Daddy's
hand and then turning his head when he didn't smell
anything but a hand.

There was a really cute little deer there too.
She wasn't even taller than me!

We saw a bunch of big turtles...

Daddy even tried to feed one of them his hand.
The silly turtle tried to eat it too, but all he could do
was lick Daddy's hand.

There were colorful birds, just like on the walls of my room.

I think this one is chewing on the other one. I just don't know why?

Sometimes I stopped looking at the animals to watch
Mommy and Daddy. This time I was watching Daddy
try to get what he calls an artistic shot.

After the Zoo we went back into the store and I did get a
new stuffed animal. I picked the tiger 'cause it was soft and
cuddly, but also cool. The weather was warmer on the way
home so Daddy took out the windows in the Jeep and we
started to drive. It wasn't long before I was falling asleep,
but in my defense I did have a very big morning and it
was getting close to my nap time.

I was REALLY tired! Hope you liked all the pictures as much
as I liked the zoo. I can't wait to go back again. Well bye for now...

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Sounds like a bunch of fun!! :)