Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fun with Friends and Family

I'm learning that summer is a really busy time! I've been having so much fun and I'm exhausted, so I'll let the pictures show you how cool my summer has been so far!

I've been spending a lot of time with my cousin, TJ - I love it when he comes over to play trains with me!

It was a funny coincidence that we were both wearing orange that day - but we can say that a sense of style definitely runs in the family :)

We also got to go to the playground this weekend with Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Tarl, and Uncle Louie!

There's a really cool hiking trail at the back of the "countryside" (the park), and there's even a bridge you have to cross over a little river to get back into the woods.

When we crossed the bridge on the tail end of the trail, we saw some dogs playing in the river - they had more fun splashing in the water than TJ and I did!

We talked the grown-ups into stopping at another playground on our way out of the park... hehehehehe...

This was when Daddy said I couldn't walk UP the slide anymore... he's such a fuddy-dud sometimes. He's getting as bad as Mommy!
But TJ and I had a lot of fun anyway!

We took a short break at home to rest...

Then we went to go visit my new baby cousin, Ty!

Mommy kept saying that she remembered when I was that little... but I don't think I was ever THAT little!

Ty and Uncle Jay :)

Ty and Nana :)

Then today, Mommy and Daddy took me to see my first movie in a real movie theater: "Cars 2!" We even met my best friend, Vincent, and his mommy and daddy there! I don't remember much of the movie (the people at the theater apparently were not aware of my nap schedule, so I missed the last half), but we had fun playing with my trains after the movie (and our naps) were done!

Well, like I said, I'm really, really tired from all this fun, so I'm going to sleep. Mommy says I need to get my rest so I can have the energy for even more summer fun! Until next time!

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