Thursday, June 2, 2011

Preschool Graduation!

Well, not MY graduation, but some of my classmates graduated from preschool today! Me and the kids in my class (the 2-and-3-year-olds) got to participate in the program and sing songs with the big kids who are going to kindergarten next year. Daddy took some video (which will be posted once we figure out how to upload it) and Mommy took some pictures, so I thought I'd post them up.

We got to wear special shirts and hats that we made with fish and sharks and other ocean animals on them!

We sang songs and did hand gestures that our teachers taught us!

Then me and my best friend, Vincent, found some balloons to play with :)

This is me and Vincent and Olivia (my two best friends!)

We even got cupcakes after the program, and Vincent and I laughed at all the icing on our faces!

Well, after all that partying, I'm pretty tired, so I'm going to bed now - good night! Until next time!


Ronin said...

Sorry about the lack of video. We tried to upload over night and it never uploaded. So it's back to the proverbial drawing board to see what the issue is. Video will be posted as soon as we get the issues worked out.

Trisha said...

So cute!! :)