Sunday, December 28, 2008

T'was a month before Christmas...

... since my last post, all manner of critters were stirring but Hurley the most. Sorry, it's the holidays and I just couldn't help myself. So much has happened since my last post. I tried rice cereal for the first time, I had another doctor's appointment (ugh, and more shots), and I've really been practicing my tummy time routine... oh yeah, and of course, I had my first Christmas!

I'll start with the rice cereal. Mommy and Daddy decided that I was old enough to try it, since I turned 4 months old on the 14th. I don't know what they were so excited about - it was so strange! It was so different, and trying to eat off a spoon was a completely new experience. I'm not sure I'm quite ready for any of that yet... although I hear pureed carrots are pretty good, so maybe I'll give those a try sometime.

This is me, not enjoying my rice cereal!

My doctor's appointment went as well as can be expected. Especially since it ended with a needle in each thigh. I handled the first like a champ, or so I'm told. The second on the other hand was a different story. The nurse said the second was "thicker" and we aren't sure if she meant the vaccine itself or the needle being used to inject it into me. All I know is I didn't like it, not even a little bit. Mom and Dad have gotten pretty good at calming me down though. Do you know how fun it feels to have a Kleenex lightly brushed across your cheeks? I do!!! The doctor told us that I am growing just fine. I have doubled my birth weight (now fighting in the 13.2lb. weight class). He also said that my head was in the 50th percentile for growth, while my body was in the 15th. Mom and Dad say I have a big brain. I guess that's a good thing?

Christmas was a blast! I got to have my very first Christmas morning with my Mom and Dad, and Hurley and Puff, at home. We opened some presents and Dad read me a touch and feel Petting Farm book. Mom cried while recording video of story time. Probably something she should get used to as I have no plans of getting any less cute. After Mommy "put herself back together" she helped me open a present from my Great Aunt Michelle. It was the funniest little round cow that vibrated and played music when you touched it's nose. That was just the beginning of the noisy toys though.

Me and my Daddy, reading a story Christmas morning.

Me and my Mommy, opening presents! I think Hurley was a little jealous :)

Later we went to my Nana D and Pappy's house where I slept through almost the whole visit. Mom and Dad opened my presents for me, which I am really thankful for. I got some cool new cloths, stuffed animals, toys and a whole set of Dr. Suess books. Mom and Dad got really exited about those, so I guess I can't wait til they read them to me. After that we went to my Great Aunt Doris and Great Uncle Wayne's house. I got to see my cousins Brynn and Kieran, opened some more presents (to include some really cool clothes and toys, not to mention a giant panda that's at least twice as big as me), and took a nap in my Nana's arms. Mom and Dad had some dinner, and then I was feeling left out so Dad let me have a bottle that Mom brought for me. A little while later we went home to feed the crazy (previously mentioned) dog, and swap our opened presents for some wrapped ones we still had to give away. Then we went to my Aunt Beth's house. There I got to see my other cousin Ava. More presents too!!! I don't know what to do with all the swag I got. I guess I have lots of time to figure it out though. I got a GlowWorm, a basketball hoop that boosts my self confidence by cheering at me, and a really cute elephant. Lots of people wanted to hold me so I didn't sit still for very long. After a few hours Mom and Dad were joining me in my rendition of The Twelve Yawns of Christmas, so we decided to head back home. Once we got everything out of the car and into the house, we changed into some PJs and settled in for the night. It was a big day!

All the excitement of Christmas wore me out!

The next day I slept, and then I slept and then I slept some more. Oh yeah, I had a few breaks in there for eating and messing my diaper of course. Mom and Dad stayed in their PJs all day too. It was so nice to just vegetate at home for a whole day. That's what the holidays are for, right?
On Sunday Mom dressed me in my new Steelers onesie (finally!!! whew!) only to find out that we couldn't watch the Steelers game. No harm, no foul though. Turns out the Steelers stomped the Browns 31-0! Could it be the power of that onesie? I'm not saying it is, but can you prove it's not? All I know is I have a feeling I am going to be spending quite a few of the upcoming Sundays wearling Steeler black and gold. Especially since the Redskins sort of poo'ed the diaper with their season.

I'm off to take another nap. What can I say, I want to be well rested for all these new toys I have to play with. That and I guess Mom and Dad could use the time to get themselves some dinner. Good night to all and to all a good... oh you know the rest.

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Welcome to the world of FOOD, Ronin! Miss Zoey has ventured into Squash and Carrots... soon to try Sweet Potatoes and maybe Peas to spice up the color palette! She's a BIG fan! I know you will be too.

Auntie Trisha :)