Monday, March 2, 2009

Jump Around, Jump Up, Jump Up and Get Down!

The past couple of weeks have been a blur, sometimes pretty literally! I've spent much of my time lately jumping, bouncing, kicking, rolling, reaching, grasping, and even dancing (with Mommy and Daddy's help, of course), so time has sort of flown by. And I had my first visit to the eye doctor, which made the way I see things fuzzy for a couple of days, so I'm not sure if I really even know what happened for a while :)

I really love my jumper, now that my knees can bend when I touch the floor, because I can bounce for a long time and not get tired! I laugh all the time when I really get going, and most of the time Mommy and Daddy join in.

This is me, doing what Ronin's do best! :)

I can also tell that I'm growing up to be a big boy - you wanna know how? Because Mommy and Daddy let me try to drink from what they called a "sippy cup," and it looked sorta like what they drink out of... only it also kinda looked like what I drink out of. Anyway, Nana D was happy to help me out!

This is my cool green sippy cup - I'm not sure if I quite like drinking out
of it as much as I thought I would. At least I look cool...

I can also tell I'm getting big because my mouth hurts all the time! Mommy and Daddy say that I'm "teething," and I get the impression that "teething" is only something very grown-up kinds of babies do from everyone else's reaction to learning that I'm doing it. It gets better when they let me chew on this little blue ring from the freezer, though, so it's not all bad all the time.

I also got to try a new food - prunes! They're very different from everything else I've tried, all dark and sweet. So, for those who are keeping track, I've had rice cereal, pears, apples, sweet potatoes, peas, bananas, and now, prunes. Mommy says I get to try things called "peaches" and "squash" soon, which must be good because she and Daddy get pretty happy talking about it.

Prunes are pretty good, and they leave really cool stains on everything, too!

Another interesting day was the day that Mommy and Daddy took me to the eye doctor. They said that my eyes dilate differently - I don't really know what that means, but all I know is that I see everything pretty well for me! Anyway, the doctor was nice and all, but she kept turning all the lights off and shining a really bright light at me, which was really strange. And then she put drops in my eyes, and that was really awful! After a minute it was okay, but then everything got really fuzzy, and she started shining that light in my eyes again! I was glad when the whole ordeal was over, and she told Mommy and Daddy that my eyes are okay, they just maybe formed a little differently before I was born. Unfortunately, I have to go back to that place in a few months - I hope I don't have to get those drops again, or deal with that bright light!

Anyway, I gotta go practice my rolling - apparently they say it'll help me "crawl," which I overheard will let me finally get to go where I want to go myself! Until next time!

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